Info Lowongan PT Adaro Energy Indonesia. PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk adalah sebuah perusahaan pertambangan batu bara yang berkantor pusat di Jakarta. Perusahaan ini memulai sejarahnya pada dekade 1970-an saat pemerintah Indonesia membagi Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Selatan menjadi delapan blok batu bara. Enadimsa asal Spanyol kemudian mengajukan tawaran untuk Blok 8 yang terletak di Tabalong.
Lowongan Nusantara merupakan salah satu media publikasi informasi lowongan kerja yang ada di Indonesia. Dengan berprinsip untuk selalu memberikan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, terpercaya dan paling aktual, Lowongan Nusantara melakukan aktivitas publikasinya menggunakan berbagai macam media yaitu Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram, dan website Jenis kategori lowongan kerja yang ada di seluruh media publikasi Lowongan Nusantara antara lain : Swasta, BUMN, Bank, Medis, Guru/Dosen, dan Pemerintahan. Banyak kategori yang diberikan ini diharapkan dalam mempermudah para jobseeker yang berasal dari berbagai macam background pendidikan dalam mencari lowongan kerja impiannya.
Info Lowongan PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Mei 2023
Memiliki pekerjaan yang tetap adalah dambaan seluruh pekerja yang ada di Indonesia. Tapi kondisi pemulihan masa pandemi ini membuat dunia kerja sempat terguncang dimana tidak hanya para pekerja saja tapi dari sisi perusahaan pun mengalami kesulitan yang sangat besar dalam beradaptasi dikondisi pandemi ini. Setiap tahunnya jumlah lulusan baru terus bertambah yang membuat persaingan dalam mencari kerja menjadi semakin berat. Banyaknya jumlah pengangguran yang berasal dari lulusan sebelumnya dipaksa harus bersaingan dengan para profesional berpengalaman dan para lulusan baru untuk mendapatkan sebuah posisi dalam suatu perusahaan.
Tingkat pendidikan yang beraneka ragam di Indonesia, ditambah lagi dengan jurusan yang sangat banyak jumlahnya membuat hampir seluruh posisi lowongan kerja dibanjiri oleh para pelamar. Kenyataan dimana para pelamar melamar pekerjaan bukan berdasarkan kualifikasi tapi sekedar coba-coba membuat “PR” bagi para HRD untuk melakukan proses seleksi awal dalam pemilihan kandidat. Dengan kemajuan teknologi yang sangat pesat saat ini, kendala-kendala seperti itu dapat diatasi dengan sistem filtering, seleksi menggunakan sistem ATS sehingga kualitas pelamar yang dibutuhkan perusahaan dapat lebih mudah dicari. Semoga tahun ini menjadi lebih baik dimana semua kondisi berjalan normal seperti sedia kala dan semakin banyak lapangan kerja yang terbuka.
1. Account Payable Staff
- Carry out the activity of receiving and paying bills in accordance with applicable regulations and standards in the company to ensure all financial related company obligations are met.
- Receive and check invoices received and ensure the completeness of supporting documents in accordance with applicable SOPs.
- Make a journal entry into the finance & accounting system for invoice bills that are complete and correct and record tax and compliance from vendors accurately and accurately to ensure compliance with company regulations.
- Make AP Aging reports regularly and accurately for the purpose of cash flow analysis
- Make payments for invoice bills on time.
- Monitor advance suppliers to ensure there are no long-standing outstanding suppliers
- Provide data needed for cost analysis to make available the information needed by the company
- Record accrue expenses in accordance with applicable SOPs, so that expenses are recorded in accordance with the period.
- Make intercompany reconciliations on a monthly basis to ensure the accounts receivable funds are reconciled.
- Record Construction in Progress (CIP) in accordance with supporting documents and reverse CIP into fixed assets in accordance with supporting documents to ensure assets are recorded completely and accurately
- Record monthly depreciation to get information about the decline in the usefulness of an asset in the company.
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting
- Minimum of GPA 3.00
- Have at least 2 years of working experience as Account Payable Staff
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Good competencies in Account Payable Management and Tax Policy & Procedure
2. Shipping Administration Staff
Job Responsibilities
- To prepare all documents and invoices that required for the sales process, so the activity can be run with Adaro standards.
- To follow up recent developments in the field of commercial law and to ensure that the procedures and standards prescribed by the company law.
- To coordinate with site level regarding the availability of coal to be delivered to the customers and to ensure delivery of the goods on schedule.
- To coordinate with external surveyors to do the survey for make sure the coal quality that deliver to the customer, and to ensure the delivery according to quality and quantity that stated in the sales contract.
- To coordinate with external agents in preparing the ship completeness of documentation in the process of shipping coal to customers.
- To coordinate with external banks in negotiating appropriate documentation completeness in coal shipments to the customer if the payment agreement in the contract using the method of payment letter of credit.
- To coordinate with site-level in terms of transportation and logistics of shipping coal to customers so that goods can be in accordance with the sales contract which has been agreed by both parties.
- To prepare and send invoices and shipping documentation completeness of coal to the buyer on time and according to contract.
- To coordinate with marketing team in and monitors the status of the sales contract to ensure that the sales process, delivery, invoicing, and payment can be completed properly in accordance with the agreed contract.
- Bachelor or Diploma Degree majoring Transportation Management
- Minimum GPA 2.75
- Having minimum 1 year experience as shipping staff, more advantage from shipping company.
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
- Good coordination skill with internal and external user.
- Good communication skill
- Fluent in English is a must
3. HSE Compliance Officer
Job Responsibilities
- Ensuring the implementation of government regulations is well implemented in the company’s operational activities, including: HSE management system, SMKP and mining operational safety as well as other standards (ISO, OHSAS, etc.).
- Carry out environmental operations in accordance with established procedures and applicable regulations.
- Ensuring the company complies with government regulations related to the environment.
- Ensure that the management of liquid waste & B3 is carried out in accordance with the regulations set by the government.
- Ensure the availability of data and reports related to HSE as material for corporate accountability to the government and stakeholders
- Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering
- Minimum 2 years experience in the same position
- Understand the implementation and audit of SMKP, SMK3
- Have competence in the field of reclamation, liquid waste management & B3
- Understanding Health & Safety in the coal operational process business
- Having POM will be a plus
- Willing to be placed in Lahat, South Sumatra
Cek Info Lowongan Kerja Swasta Lainnya Disini
Informasi Penting
- Panggilan kerja yang mengatas namakan sebuah perusahaan dimana diminta sejumlah uang untuk pembayaran travel/hotel tertentu dengan iming-iming akan diganti setelah sampai lokasi adalah penipuan
- Kirimkan berkas lamaran terbaikmu (CV dan surat pendukung lainnya)
Cara Melamar
- Kirimkan berkas lamaran lengkapmu melalui link berikut :
- Account Payable Staff [DAFTAR DISINI]
- Shipping Administration Staff [DAFTAR DISINI]
- HSE Compliance Officer [DAFTAR DISINI]
- Join Telegram Lowongan Nusantara [Join Disini]
Hati-hati terhadap penipuan lowongan kerja, proses recruitment lowongan kerja tidak dipungut biaya sama sekali. Jika pembaca menemukan lowongan kerja yang mencurigakan atau terbukti penipuan pada situs ini, harap laporkan kepada admin melalui Instagram Lowongan.Nusantara