Info Lowongan PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero)

Info Lowongan PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero). PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, biasa disebut Telkom Indonesia atau Telkom saja, adalah perusahaan informasi dan komunikasi serta penyedia jasa dan jaringan telekomunikasi secara lengkap di Indonesia.

Lowongan Nusantara merupakan salah satu media publikasi informasi lowongan kerja yang ada di Indonesia. Dengan berprinsip untuk selalu memberikan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, terpercaya dan paling aktual, Lowongan Nusantara melakukan aktivitas publikasinya menggunakan berbagai macam media yaitu Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram, dan website Jenis kategori lowongan kerja yang ada di seluruh media publikasi Lowongan Nusantara antara lain Swasta, BUMN, Bank, Medis, Guru/Dosen, dan Pemerintahan. Banyak kategori yang diberikan ini diharapkan dalam mempermudah para jobseeker yang berasal dari berbagai macam background pendidikan dalam mencari lowongan kerja impiannya.

Info Lowongan PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Juni 2022

Memiliki pekerjaan yang tetap adalah dambaan seluruh pekerja yang ada di Indonesia. Tapi kondisi pemulihan masa pandemi ini membuat dunia kerja sempat terguncang dimana tidak hanya para pekerja saja tapi dari sisi perusahaan pun mengalami kesulitan yang sangat besar dalam beradaptasi dikondisi pandemi ini. Setiap tahunnya jumlah lulusan baru terus bertambah yang membuat persaingan dalam mencari kerja menjadi semakin berat. Banyaknya jumlah pengangguran yang berasal dari lulusan sebelumnya dipaksa harus bersaingan dengan para profesional berpengalaman dan para lulusan baru untuk mendapatkan sebuah posisi dalam suatu perusahaan.

Tingkat pendidikan yang beraneka ragam di Indonesia, ditambah lagi dengan jurusan yang sangat banyak jumlahnya membuat hampir seluruh posisi lowongan kerja dibanjiri oleh para pelamar. Kenyataan dimana para pelamar melamar pekerjaan bukan berdasarkan kualifikasi tapi sekedar coba-coba membuat “PR” bagi para HRD untuk melakukan proses seleksi awal dalam pemilihan kandidat. Dengan kemajuan teknologi yang sangat pesat saat ini, kendala-kendala seperti itu dapat diatasi dengan sistem filtering, seleksi menggunakan sistem ATS sehingga kualitas pelamar yang dibutuhkan perusahaan dapat lebih mudah dicari. Semoga tahun ini menjadi lebih baik dimana semua kondisi berjalan normal seperti sedia kala dan semakin banyak lapangan kerja yang terbuka.

1. Artificial Intelligence


  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence.
  • Minimum bachelor degree, open to Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and Foreign Citizens
  • Have 3 years hands-on experience applying machine learning techniques to solve real-world problem, and architecting, training and analyzing for at least one of the following applications Object detection, Image segmentation, Sensor fusion, temporal fusion (tracking).
  • Experience in one or more of the following areas machine learning, recommendation systems, categorization, large-scale data mining or artificial intelligence, NLP, deep learning, computational genomic.
  • Have certification from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Experience with deep learning framework (keras tensorflow, pytorch, caffee,etc)
  • Experience with a big data platform such as Hadoop and Spark.
  • Experience with scripting languages such as Python or R, C++
  • Experience with Node.JS, SQL and NoSQL database.
  • Experience developing software as part of a team.
  • Can work as a team, and friendly to communicate

2. Backend Developer


  • At least 2 years working experience in related fields
  • Preferable having a national / international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations
  • Strong passion in technology, programming & software development
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share
  • Firm grasp of algorithms, algorithmic complexities, design patterns and principles, clean code, and pragmatic aspects of programming
  • Firm grasp in object-oriented, functional, or event-driven programming practices.
  • Good analytical and logical thinking
  • Knowledge of Unix/Linux environments and CLI
  • Knowledge of SQL / NoSQL database and Microservices Architecture
  • Good Practice using Gitflow
  • Good Knowledge of RESTFul APIs
  • Experienced in building large-scale web apps/services/APIs
  • Experienced using Cloud Service such as AWS, Azure, etc
  • Experienced using Docker & CI/CD deployment
  • Familiarity with Test Driven Development

3. Cloud Engineer


  • 1 – 3 years of experience in designing, developing, testing, and deploying distributed applications or services in either Golang, Ruby, Rust, Python, or other languages
  • 1- 3 years of professional experience developing in Linux / OSX environment
  • Willingness to learn new languages and methodologies
  • Continuously refactor applications and architectures to maintain high-quality levels
  • Experienced with Infrastructure As Code such as Terraform
  • Knowledge of configuration management systems such as Puppet, Chef, Salt, or Ansible
  • You have experience with container technologies CGroups, Docker, Rocket, LXC etc
  • You have a basic understanding of cluster orchestrators and schedulers (Kubernetes, LX, etc)
  • Experience working with cloud platforms (Google Cloud Platform, AWS, Openshift etc.)

4. Data Analyst

  • Conduct Exploratory Data Analyst to product and program development
  • Conduct assessment to DNA objective analysis data needs based on issues, in which can be measured, clear and concise.
  • Ensure data is ready to use, including choose, cleanse, and conduct visualisation and present data analysis result.
  • Produce interpretation and analysis result presentation as actionable recommendation insight in form of story telling presented in clear, interesting, and concise manner.
  • Understand audience / stakeholders including clear goals and target, also accommodating received feedback
  • Working together with data team consist of Data Scientist, Data Engineer etc.

5. Data Engineer

  • Designing and implementing software systems. they also verify and maintain these system
  • Building Robust systems for ingestion and data processing
  • Extract Transsform Load operations known as the ETL process
  • Exploration and research various new methods to obtin data and improve its quality.
  • Building data architectures that meet the business requirements. They are responsible for generating a ctructured solutions by integrating several programming languages and tools mining data from plenty of different sources to build efficient business models (optional)
  • Managing meta data and other information related to maintained-data (optional)
  • Working with other teams, data analyst and data scientists

6. Data Scientist


  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence.
  • Minimum bachelor degree, open to Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and Foreign Citizens
  • Have 3 years hands-on experience applying machine learning techniques to solve real-world problem, and architecting, training and analyzing for at least one of the following applications Object detection, Image segmentation, Sensor fusion, temporal fusion (tracking).
  • Experience in one or more of the following areas machine learning, recommendation systems, categorization, large-scale data mining or artificial intelligence, NLP, deep learning, computational genomic.
  • Have certification from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Experience with deep learning framework (keras tensorflow, pytorch, caffee,etc)
  • Experience with a big data platform such as Hadoop and Spark.
  • Experience with scripting languages such as Python or R, C++
  • Experience with Node.JS, SQL and NoSQL database.
  • Experience developing software as part of a team.
  • Can work as a team, and friendly to communicate.

7. Database Administrator


  • Understanding concept and architecture of Cluster Database ( Galera Cluster, MongoDB Cluster, SQL/NoSQL Cluster )
  • Understanding backup and recovery concept of Database (Full Backup, Incremental Backup, PITR)
  • Understanding concept of building effectiveness of SQL query. (Tuning and Security)
  • Ability to use multiple scripting
  • Experienced on linux platform

8. DevSecOps


  • Minimum of 2 years experience as SRE/DevOps.
  • Preferable to have a national/international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Strong passion for technology, programming & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Very good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Good experience in solutions for high performance, scalability, reliability, microservices, SaaS architecture.
  • Very good experience in using continuous integration tools such as Jenkins, Gitlab-CI, etc.
  • Very good experience using cloud services such as AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.
  • Good in scripting using Python, Bash scripting.
  • Experience with automation/configuration management using either Puppet, Chef, etc.
  • Very good understanding in linux environment.
  • Good experience using infrastructure as a code tools such as Terraform, Ansible, etc.
  • Experienced using Docker, Kubernetes, or other tools for containerization such as OpenShift.
  • Good knowledge about database either SQL or NoSQL.
  • Good Practice using Gitflow.
  • Familiarity with test driven development.

9. Digital Product Manager


  • Degree of Any Major, Computer Science and Business / Management is preferred/li>
  • Minimum 5 years proven experience in Digital Product Management and Development
  • Excellent problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent organizational, leadership, and communication skills with experience leading cross-functional teams.
  • Experienced in managing end-to-end product development lifecycle.
  • Experienced in designing, writing, prioritizing, and communicating PRD to all relevant stakeholders.
  • Familiar with collaboration tools (Miro, JIRA, Trello, etc.) and monitoring tools (Firebase, Google Analytics, AppsAnnie, etc).

10. Frontend Developer


  • At least 2 years working experience in related fields.
  • Preferable having a national / international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Strong passion in technology, programming & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Firm grasp of algorithms, algorithmic complexities, design patterns and principles, clean code, and pragmatic aspects of programming.
  • Good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Experience with web accessibility, cross-browser compatibility issues, and frontend performance optimizations.
  • Basic graphic design skills (i.e. Adobe Photoshop or similar)
  • Knowledge of Unix/Linux environments and CLI.
  • Knowledge and experience with Sass or LESS.
  • Knowledge and experience with ReactJS or VueJS.
  • Good Knowledge of RESTFul API.
  • Good Practice using Gitflow.
  • Familiarity with test driven development.

11. Mobile Developer (Android)


  • Experienced in more than 2 projects which use Kotlin
  • At least 1 year using Kotlin
  • Good Knowledge of Best Practices on Android
  • Good practice in using tools such as Coroutine, Gradle, Retrofit, Android Jetpack, Kotlin Extensions, RxKotlin, Fuel, Glide, Proguard, Expresso
  • Good practice in using of Spek, MockK, AssertK
  • Good practice in using of Kotlin Lint.
  • Good practice using Kotlin, Java, and 3rd Parties library
  • Experienced in publishing Apps on Google Play Store.

12. Mobile Developer (iOS)


  • Experienced in more than 2 projects which use Swift
  • At least 1 year using Swift
  • Good Knowledge of Best Practices on iOS
  • Good practice in using tools such as Cocoa Pods, Alamo Fire, MagicalRecord, Core Data, RxSwift, RxCocoa
  • Good practice in using of XCTest, and OCMock
  • Good practice in using of Swift Lint
  • Good practice using Swift, Obj-C, and 3rd Parties library
  • Experienced in publishing Apps on Apple App Store.

13. Scrum Master


  • Minimum of 2 years experience as scrum master.
  • Preferable having a national / international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Strong passion in technology & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Firm grasp in object-oriented, functional, or event-driven programming practices.
  • Expert level facilitation and communication skills ability to facilitate teams through tough conversations and maintain a positive and supportive team environment.
  • Ability to respond quickly, flexibly and positively to change, using it as an opportunity to learn, develop, practice and support the organization.
  • Capable of defining problems, collecting data, establishing fact, drawing conclusions and recommending solutions.
  • Thorough understanding of the software development lifecycle.
  • Experience as QA or software developer.
  • Must be self-motivated as well as creative and efficient in proposing solutions to complex, time-critical problems.

14. Software Architect


  • Minimum of 5 years experience in advanced technologies as an architect/lead
  • Preferable have a national/international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations
  • Strong passion for technology, programming & software development
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share
  • Firm grasp of algorithms, algorithmic complexities, design patterns and principles, clean code, and pragmatic aspects of programming
  • Very good analytical and logical thinking
  • Firm grasp in object-oriented, functional, or event-driven programming practices.
  • Good experience in designing solutions for high performance, scalability, reliability, microservices, SaaS architecture
  • Very good experience in building large-scale web apps/services/APIs
  • Very good experience using cloud service such as AWS, Azure, etc
  • Knowledge of information technologies (Database, Business Intelligence, Infrastructure, Networks, Web & Integration software)
  • Good experience in mobile development
  • Broad understanding of technologies and has experience in implementation methodologies, software development life cycle process, and project management
  • Experienced using Docker & CI/CD deployment
  • Good Knowledge and experience in NodeJS, Golang, or Python
  • Very good knowledge of SQL / NoSQL
  • Good Practice using Gitflow
  • Familiarity with test driven development.

15. Software Documentation Engineer


  • At least 2 years of working experience in related fields.
  • Preferable to have a national/international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Strong passion for technology & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Good communication and team work.
  • Fluent using Swagger or Apiary.
  • Experienced in using Confluence / Wiki.
  • Good Knowledge of Database, API, and Agile Methodology such as Scrum or Kanban
  • Expert in pseudocode, UML Desigm, ERD, and Flowchart
  • Familiarity with user guide, system documentation, testing documentation, architectural documentation.

16. Software Quality Assurance Engineer


  • Associate’s or bachelor’s degree in computer engineering or programming, information technology or a similar field, BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subject
  • Have work experience in software development
  • Have work experience in software quality assurance
  • Strong knowledge of software QA methodologies, tools and processes
  • Experience in writing clear, concise and comprehensive test plans and test cases
  • Hands-on experience with both white box and black box testing
  • Hands-on experience with automated testing tools
  • Solid knowledge of SQL and scripting
  • Experience working in an Agile/Scrum development process
  • Experience with performance and/or security testing is a plus

17. UI Designer


  • Design Communication Visual, Multimedia, Computer Science, IT, or related with Design
  • At least 3 years experience in UI Designer
  • Project Portfolio and Curriculum Vitae are mandatory
  • Proven UI experience
  • Demonstrable UI design skills with a strong portfolio
  • Solid experience in creating wireframes, storyboards, user flows, process flows and site maps
  • Proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, Sketch, XD, or other visual design and wire-framing tools
  • Proficiency in Marvel, Invision, Figma or other prototyping tools.
  • Excellent visual design skills with sensitivity to user-system interaction
  • Ability to present your designs and sell your solutions to various stakeholders.
  • Ability to solve problems creatively and effectively
  • Has a strong understanding and knowledge in Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction Design, or relate date with the latest UI trends, tech
  • Excellence in communication and collaboration skills
  • Experienced in using Design tools (Figma, Sketch, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, XD, etc)

18. UX Designer


  • Design Communication Visual, Multimedia, Computer Science, IT, or related with Design
  • At least 3 years experience as UX Designer
  • Project Portfolio and Curriculum Vitae are mandatory
  • Have a good understanding, how to design and conduct quantitative and qualitative research approaches, for discovery and evaluating the purpose
  • Ability to understand user needs, behavior, experience, and user motivation through various research method
  • Ability to build the criteria, requirements, and needs (product requirements) so the product can create the expected user experience journey.
  • Has strong knowledge and skill about interaction design and information architecture
  • Proficiency in Marvel, Invision, Figma or other prototyping tools.
  • Ability to design, plan, and carry out usability testing with end-users to test hypotheses of the design, features, and workflow of a product.
  • Ability to solve problems creatively and effectively
  • Excellence in analytical thinking, and data analyze
  • Excellence in communication and collaboration skills
  • Experienced in using Research tools (Lookback, UXTesting, OptimalSort, Maze, TreeJack etc)
  • Experienced in using Collaboration tools (Mural, Miro, Dovetail, Airtable etc)
  • Experienced in using Information Architecture tools (Flowmapp,, etc)

19. UX Researcher


  • Computer Science, Psychology, Management, or Subject related with Statistic and Research Method
  • At least 3 years experience as UX Research Specialist or similar role
  • Project Portfolio and Curriculum Vitae are mandatory
  • Have a good understanding and experience, how to design and conduct quantitative and qualitative research approaches, for discovery and evaluating purpose
  • Ability to understand user needs, behaviour, experience, and user motivation through various research method
  • Ability to build the criteria, requirements, and needs (product requirements) so the product can create the expected user experience journey.
  • Ability to design, plan, and carry out usability testing with end-users to test hypotheses of the design, features, and workflow of a product.
  • Comfortable launching and iterating quickly and using data
  • Critical thinker and problem-solving skills
  • Good analytical thinking
  • Team Player
  • Good time management skill
  • Great Interpersonal and communication skills
  • Experienced in using Research tools (Lookback, UXTesting, OptimalSort, Maze, TreeJack etc)
  • Experienced in using Collaboration tools (Mural, Miro, Dovetail, Airtable etc)

20. UX Writer


  • All major, preferably from Communication, English Literature, or people who loves to write and deliver things to user
  • At least 3 years experience in UX Writer, Content Creator, or related
  • Project Portfolio and Curriculum Vitae are mandatory
  • Has past experience in writing field; copywriter, content writer, journalist, editor, etc.
  • Has a good basic understanding of UX writing.
  • Proficient in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
  • Good Language Grammatical
  • Has good knowledge and skill on content strategy
  • Capable on storytelling
  • Able to recognize brand voice and to apply branding to microcopy
  • Understand UX Design Process, Research, and analytics
  • Understand wireframe and prototyping
  • Good analytical thinking
  • Excellence in communication and collaboration skills
  • Experienced in using Collaboration tools (Mural, Miro, Dovetail, Airtable etc)
  • Experienced in using Writing tools (Google Trends, Natural Reader, etc)
  • Experienced in using Information Architecture tools (Flowmapp,, etc)

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Cara Melamar

Hati-hati terhadap penipuan lowongan kerja, proses recruitment lowongan kerja tidak dipungut biaya sama sekali. Jika pembaca menemukan lowongan kerja yang mencurigakan atau terbukti penipuan pada situs ini, harap laporkan kepada admin melalui Instagram Lowongan.Nusantara