Info Lowongan PT Frisian Flag Indonesia

Info Lowongan PT Frisian Flag Indonesia. PT Frisian Flag Indonesia adalah bagian dari salah satu koperasi susu terbesar di dunia, FrieslandCampina yang berpusat di Belanda. Kami mempekerjakan lebih dari 2,000 karyawan di seluruh Indonesia dan memiliki 2 fasilitas produksi di Pasar Rebo dan Ciracas Jakarta Timur yang memproduksi berbagai produk susu untuk memenuhi gizi keluarga Indonesia.

Lowongan Nusantara merupakan salah satu media publikasi informasi lowongan kerja yang ada di Indonesia. Dengan berprinsip untuk selalu memberikan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, terpercaya dan paling aktual, Lowongan Nusantara melakukan aktivitas publikasinya menggunakan berbagai macam media yaitu Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram, dan website Jenis kategori lowongan kerja yang ada di seluruh media publikasi Lowongan Nusantara antara lain : Swasta, BUMN, Bank, Medis, Guru/Dosen, dan Pemerintahan.

Info Lowongan PT Frisian Flag Indonesia Maret 2022

Memiliki pekerjaan yang tetap adalah dambaan seluruh pekerja yang ada di Indonesia. Tapi kondisi pemulihan masa pandemi ini membuat dunia kerja sempat terguncang dimana tidak hanya para pekerja saja tapi dari sisi perusahaan pun mengalami kesulitan yang sangat besar dalam beradaptasi dikondisi pandemi ini. Setiap tahunnya jumlah lulusan baru terus bertambah yang membuat persaingan dalam mencari kerja menjadi semakin berat. Banyaknya jumlah pengangguran yang berasal dari lulusan sebelumnya dipaksa harus bersaingan dengan para profesional berpengalaman dan para lulusan baru untuk mendapatkan sebuah posisi dalam suatu perusahaan.

Tingkat pendidikan yang beraneka ragam di Indonesia, ditambah lagi dengan jurusan yang sangat banyak jumlahnya membuat hampir seluruh posisi lowongan kerja dibanjiri oleh para pelamar. Kenyataan dimana para pelamar melamar pekerjaan bukan berdasarkan kualifikasi tapi sekedar coba-coba membuat “PR” bagi para HRD untuk melakukan proses seleksi awal dalam pemilihan kandidat. Dengan kemajuan teknologi yang sangat pesat saat ini, kendala-kendala seperti itu dapat diatasi dengan sistem filtering, seleksi menggunakan sistem ATS sehingga kualitas pelamar yang dibutuhkan perusahaan dapat lebih mudah dicari.


  • By joining the Frisian Flag Indonesia Management Trainee 2022, you will experience :
    • Exciting and important projects that stretch your skill and competencies, which include exposure in Commercial or Operation
    • Opportunity to grow yourself and #UnleashYourNature in a multinational environment
    • Personal development program based on future leadership skills
    • Career development program to enable fast track for future leaders
    • Dynamic yet collaborative environment

1. Management Trainee – Customer Supply Chain

What we offer

  • Exciting and important projects that stretch your skill and competencies, which include exposure in Commercial or Operation
  • Opportunity to grow yourself and #unleashyournature in a multinational environment
  • Personal development program based on future leadership skills
  • Career development program to enable fast track for future leaders
  • Dynamic yet collaborative environment

What we ask

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology, Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Engineering (Industrial), Logistic/Transportation, Business Studies/Administration/Management or equivalent.
  • Minimum GPA 3.3 from top university
  • Analytical skillset for data tracking and result analysis
  • Required language(s): English
  • At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Logistics/Supply Chain or equivalent.
  • Full-Time position(s) available.

2. Management Trainee – Operation (Make)

What we offer

  • Exciting and important projects that stretch your skill and competencies, which include exposure in Commercial or Operation
  • Opportunity to grow yourself and #unleashyournature in a multinational environment
  • Personal development program based on future leadership skills
  • Career development program to enable fast track for future leaders
  • Dynamic yet collaborative environment

What we ask

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Industrial), Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Mechatronic/Electromechanical), Food Technology/Nutrition/Dietetics or equivalent.
  • Minimum GPA 3.3 from top university
  • Required language(s): English
  • Passionate about working in factory and making continuous improvement
  • No work experience required.
  • Full-Time position(s) available.

3. Management Trainee – Finance

What we offer

  • Exciting and important projects that stretch your skill and competencies, which include exposure in Commercial or Operation
  • Opportunity to grow yourself and #unleashyournature in a multinational environment
  • Personal development program based on future leadership skills
  • Career development program to enable fast track for future leaders
  • Dynamic yet collaborative environment

What we ask

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Engineering (Civil), Economics, Engineering (Industrial), Finance/Accountancy/Banking, Business Studies/Administration/Management or equivalent.
  • Minimum GPA 3.3 from top university
  • Enjoy working with numbers and analytics
  • Required language(s): English
  • No work experience required.
  • Full-Time position(s) available.

4. Management Trainee – Human Resource, Corporate Affairs & Legal

What we offer

  • Exciting and important projects that stretch your skill and competencies, which include exposure in Commercial or Operation
  • Opportunity to grow yourself and #unleashyournature in a multinational environment
  • Personal development program based on future leadership skills
  • Career development program to enable fast track for future leaders
  • Dynamic yet collaborative environment

What we ask

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree, any field.
  • Minimum GPA 3.3 from top university
  • Passionate about working with people and be a game changer
  • Required language(s): English
  • No work experience required.
  • Full-Time position(s) available.

5. Management Trainee – Sales

What we offer

  • Exciting and important projects that stretch your skill and competencies, which include exposure in Commercial or Operation
  • Opportunity to grow yourself and #unleashyournature in a multinational environment
  • Personal development program based on future leadership skills
  • Career development program to enable fast track for future leaders
  • Dynamic yet collaborative environment

What we ask

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree, any field.
  • Passionate in commercial
  • Min GPA 3.3 from top university
  • Required language(s): English
  • No work experience required.
  • Willing to be placed all over Indonesia
  • Full-Time position(s) available.

6. Management Trainee – Marketing

What we offer

  • Exciting and important projects that stretch your skill and competencies, which include exposure in Commercial or Operation
  • Opportunity to grow yourself and #unleashyournature in a multinational environment
  • Personal development program based on future leadership skills
  • Career development program to enable fast track for future leaders
  • Dynamic yet collaborative environment

What we ask

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Engineering (Civil), Economics, Engineering (Industrial), Business Studies/Administration/Management, Marketing or equivalent.
  • Min GPA 3.3 from top university
  • Passionate in commercial
  • Required language(s): English
  • No work experience required.
  • Full-Time position(s) available.

7. Management Trainee – Digital

What we offer

  • Exciting and important projects that stretch your skill and competencies, which include exposure in Commercial or Operation
  • Opportunity to grow yourself and #unleashyournature in a multinational environment
  • Personal development program based on future leadership skills
  • Career development program to enable fast track for future leaders
  • Dynamic yet collaborative environment

What we ask

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology, Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Engineering (Others), Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/Gas), Commerce or equivalent.
  • Minimum GPA 3.3 from top university
  • Basic knowledge of coding, programming, data analysis & integration, SQL Query
  • Required language(s): English
  • No work experience required.
  • Full-Time position(s) available.

Cek Info Lowongan Kerja Swasta Lainya Disini

Informasi Penting

  • Panggilan kerja yang mengatas namakan sebuah perusahaan dimana diminta sejumlah uang untuk pembayaran travel/hotel tertentu dengan iming-iming akan diganti setelah sampai lokasi adalah penipuan
  • Kirimkan berkas lamaran terbaikmu (CV dan surat pendukung lainnya)

Cara Melamar

Hati-hati terhadap penipuan lowongan kerja, proses recruitment lowongan kerja tidak dipungut biaya sama sekali. Jika pembaca menemukan lowongan kerja yang mencurigakan atau terbukti penipuan pada situs ini, harap laporkan kepada admin melalui Instagram Lowongan.Nusantara