Info Lowongan PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa. PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk adalah salah satu produsen semen di Indonesia. Indocement merupakan produsen terbesar kedua di Indonesia. Selain memproduksi semen, Indocement juga memproduksi beton siap-pakai, serta mengelola tambang agregat dan tras.
Lowongan Nusantara merupakan salah satu media publikasi informasi lowongan kerja yang ada di Indonesia. Dengan berprinsip untuk selalu memberikan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, terpercaya dan paling aktual, Lowongan Nusantara melakukan aktivitas publikasinya menggunakan berbagai macam media yaitu Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram, dan website Jenis kategori lowongan kerja yang ada di seluruh media publikasi Lowongan Nusantara antara lain : Swasta, BUMN, Bank, Medis, Guru/Dosen, dan Pemerintahan. Banyak kategori yang diberikan ini diharapkan dalam mempermudah para jobseeker yang berasal dari berbagai macam background pendidikan dalam mencari lowongan kerja impiannya.
Info Lowongan PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Juli 2022
Memiliki pekerjaan yang tetap adalah dambaan seluruh pekerja yang ada di Indonesia. Tapi kondisi pemulihan masa pandemi ini membuat dunia kerja sempat terguncang dimana tidak hanya para pekerja saja tapi dari sisi perusahaan pun mengalami kesulitan yang sangat besar dalam beradaptasi dikondisi pandemi ini. Setiap tahunnya jumlah lulusan baru terus bertambah yang membuat persaingan dalam mencari kerja menjadi semakin berat. Banyaknya jumlah pengangguran yang berasal dari lulusan sebelumnya dipaksa harus bersaingan dengan para profesional berpengalaman dan para lulusan baru untuk mendapatkan sebuah posisi dalam suatu perusahaan.
Tingkat pendidikan yang beraneka ragam di Indonesia, ditambah lagi dengan jurusan yang sangat banyak jumlahnya membuat hampir seluruh posisi lowongan kerja dibanjiri oleh para pelamar. Kenyataan dimana para pelamar melamar pekerjaan bukan berdasarkan kualifikasi tapi sekedar coba-coba membuat “PR” bagi para HRD untuk melakukan proses seleksi awal dalam pemilihan kandidat. Dengan kemajuan teknologi yang sangat pesat saat ini, kendala-kendala seperti itu dapat diatasi dengan sistem filtering, seleksi menggunakan sistem ATS sehingga kualitas pelamar yang dibutuhkan perusahaan dapat lebih mudah dicari. Semoga tahun ini menjadi lebih baik dimana semua kondisi berjalan normal seperti sedia kala dan semakin banyak lapangan kerja yang terbuka.
1. Logistic Officer
- Preparing and maintaining a delivery schedule and communicating to Waste Transporter and Alternative Fuel and Alternative Material Operation
- Monitoring, controlling and evaluating the process of delivery from origin point to receiving point
- Ensure the detail data of distribution are well recorded in database so that we can analyze the data to give better analysis and improvement
- Ensure the process delivery aligned with Company HSE rules, procedures, Instructions and applicable legislation
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering or any Engineering major (preferable in Supply Chain Management or Business-Related Discipline with GPA 3.0 above
- Minimum of Three (3) years of experience in the Supply Chain Function (preferable in Waste Management Transport/Logistic)
- Strong work ethic and integrity, dependable and responsible with positive attitude, and adaptable to various projects and organization
- Excellent communication and leadership skills, as well as strong interpersonal skills and teamwork
- Fluent in both English and Bahasa Indonesia, both written and verbal
- Placement Kompleks Pabrik Citeureup, Bogor
2. Cement Bulk Sales Officer
- Manage and drive performance national chain/level of Ready Mix and Industry customer
- Maintaining long and valuable relationship to achieve sales target bulk cement and KPM achievement by Implementation of commercial competitive strategy to maintaining company competitive advantages
- Ensuring good customer relationship management, and good complaint handling
- Find out opportunities in infrastructure, government project, and any other development where need bulk delivery
- Review daily sales achievement, compare with target, and submit and monitor implementation solution to Group Bulk to achieve remaining target on remaining days
- Regularly visit to customer to know opportunities for development and to increase goodwill
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering with GPA 3.0 above
- Minimum of Two (2) years of experience as Salesman or Fresh Graduate
- Result Oriented, Accountable, Team Work, & Pro Active
- Good in Microsoft Office (excel, powerpoint, word)
- Fluent in both English and Bahasa Indonesia, both written and verbal
- Have a driving license and able to drive
- Placement Wisma Indocement, Jakarta
3. Area Sales Officer
- Responsible for sales achievement in Bekasi area with office location at Wisma Indocement – South Jakarta.
- Conduct briefing with distributor’s team to evaluate sales volume performance, market penetration, retailer visit, market updates and trade program deployment.
- Deliver training to distributor supervisor and distributor salesman from the content that had been prepared by capability building team.
- Work-with distributor supervisor and salesman to get insights about the salesman performance when delivering sales activities, evaluate the gap and give evaluation for personal development.
- Work-review distributor supervisor and salesman by going to retailer and collect the information about the performance of the salesman or the supervisor.
- Provide accountable & reliable competitive market intelligence information (example: competitor price & activity, wallet share, etc).
- Review data from Sales Force Automation and data required by Sales is a Science.
- Review daily sales achievement, compare with target, and submit and monitor implementation solution to RSM & Distributor to achieve remaining target on remaining days.
- Bachelor’s degree : Any Major with minimal GPA 3.00.
- Expected experience : 3 – 5 years experience as salesman, implementation of marketing & sales program, and well known concept Route To Market.
- Language skill: Bahasa Indonesia & English.
- Result Oriented, Accountable, Team Work, & Pro Active.
- Good in Microsoft Office (excel, powerpoint, word).
- Have a driving license and able to drive.
- Placement Bekasi Area & Wisma Indocement, Jakarta
4. Accountant
- Responsible for all daily accounting task related to timely payment process to vendors
- Creating & doing control process related to Purchase to pay process to align with accounting standard & SOP
- Prepare & analyze monthly report
- Coordinate with internal & external parties related to costing and payables process
- Prepare audit data request
- Maintain processing service level for all payment process
- Min. Edu Background: Bachelor Degree (S1) Accounting with minimal GPA 3.00 from reputable university
- Field of Experience: 3-4 years in Accounting Field
- Having good accounting skill, understanding & experience in accounting process (preferable order to cash)
- Language skill: Bahasa Indonesia & English
- Good use of MS Office & presentation
- Having integrity, excellent problem solving skill, analytical & logical thinking
- Ability to work under pressure with tight deadline & target, has attention to details and strong initiatives
- Excellent communication and leadership skills, as well as strong interpersonal skills and teamwork
- Placement Kompleks Pabrik Citeureup, Bogor
Cek Info Lowongan Kerja Swasta Lainnya Disini
Informasi Penting
- Panggilan kerja yang mengatas namakan sebuah perusahaan dimana diminta sejumlah uang untuk pembayaran travel/hotel tertentu dengan iming-iming akan diganti setelah sampai lokasi adalah penipuan
- Kirimkan berkas lamaran terbaikmu (CV dan surat pendukung lainnya)
Cara Melamar
- Kirimkan berkas lamaran lengkapmu melalui link berikut : [DAFTAR DISINI]}
- Logistic Officer : [DAFTAR DISINI]
- Cement Bulk Sales Officer : [DAFTAR DISINI]
- Area Sales Officer : [DAFTAR DISINI]
- Accountant : [DAFTAR DISINI]
- Information Source : [DAFTAR DISINI]
- Join Telegram Lowongan Nusantara [Join Disini]
Hati-hati terhadap penipuan lowongan kerja, proses recruitment lowongan kerja tidak dipungut biaya sama sekali. Jika pembaca menemukan lowongan kerja yang mencurigakan atau terbukti penipuan pada situs ini, harap laporkan kepada admin melalui Instagram Lowongan.Nusantara